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Everyone makes mistakes sometimes, and even important records such as your VAT return can be affected if inaccuracies creep into your figures. As a VAT registered business it’s your responsibility to correct any mistakes, even if they weren’t your fault – but the good news is that amending your VAT return is actually fairly easy to do.

How do I fix mistakes in my VAT return?

You can normally correct VAT return errors by making an adjustment in your next return, although this depends on the ‘net value’ of the error, and whether or not it was deliberate.

What is the net value of the error?

You can work out the net value of the error by adding up the additional VAT which is still due to HMRC, and then subtracting the VAT due to you.

Who can correct a VAT return error by making a VAT adjustment?

You can amend an error in your VAT return by making an adjustment in your next return as long as the net value of the error is:

  • £10,000 or less
  • Between £10,000 and £50,000, but less than 1% of the total value of your sales

What do I do if I can’t make a VAT adjustment?

You’ll need to tell HMRC about errors in your VAT return using a VAT652 Form if the net value of the error is:

  • More than £50,000
  • More than £10,000 and exceeds 1% of the total value of your sales
  • The result of a deliberate error


Comprehensive VAT return service

From only £40.00 per month

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What will happen next?

Once you report the details of any VAT return errors, HMRC will work out if this means you previously claimed too much VAT back, or didn’t pay enough. If either of these is the case, you might need to pay interest on the amount that you owe.

HMRC don’t expect people to get it right every time, though frequent errors may result in a penalty.

Learn more about our online accounting services. Call the team on 020 3355 4047, or get an instant quote online.

About The Author

Beth-Anne Karellen

I'm an experienced and fully AAT and ACCA qualified accountant, who is enthusiastic about helping business owners succeed. I also love cooking and needlepoint (at different times!).

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VAT Returns

It is unlikely you will need this service, unless you are voluntarily registered for VAT.

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Call us on 020 3355 4047 if you’re not sure.


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