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When Should I Submit My 2023/24 Self Assessment Tax Return?

Submitting your tax return as soon as the next tax year starts might seems like a strange notion, but it definitely has…

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Common Tax Return Errors and How to Avoid Them

If you’re self-employed or have other undeclared income, such as from renting out property, you’ll need to submit Self Assessment tax returns….

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The Basics of Capital Gains Tax

Capital Gains Tax (CGT) is a tax on the profit (the gain) you make when ‘disposing’ of an asset which you own….

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How Do Sole Traders Register for Self Assessment?

Depending on how much you earn as a sole trader, you might need to register for Self Assessment so you can pay…

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Jury Duty When You’re Self-Employed

Over 400,000 people perform jury service in the UK every year and, unless you work in law enforcement, it’s almost always compulsory….

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Accountancy Terms Explained for Startups

Starting a business can be complicated enough, especially with all the new lingo that crops up along the way. In this article…

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Confirm Transactions

The number of monthly transactions you have entered based on your turnover seem high. A transaction is one bookkeeping entry such as a sale, purchase, payment or receipt. Are you sure this is correct?

Yes, submit my quote
No, let me change it

Please contact our sales team if you’re unsure

VAT Returns

It is unlikely you will need this service, unless you are voluntarily registered for VAT.

Are you sure this is correct?

Yes, the business is VAT registered
No, let me change it

Call us on 020 3355 4047 if you’re not sure.


You will receive our bookkeeping software Pandle for free, as part of your package.

You can use this to complete your own bookkeeping, or we can provide a quote to complete your bookkeeping for you.

Please select and option below:

I will do my own bookkeeping
I want you to do my bookkeeping

Call us on 020 3355 4047 if you’re not sure.