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This month we spoke to Aaron Parkinson, Semi-Senior Accountant at The Accountancy Partnership!

Give an overview of the duties, functions and responsibilities of your job.

  • Producing accounts & tax returns for Limited Companies and Sole Traders
  • Providing advice on tax efficiency and ensuring compliance with HMRC guidelines

What is a typical working day like for you?

I like to spend the first part of my day answering client emails and scheduling calls. On an ideal day, I spend the afternoon working on client accounts and tax returns, ready to send out the following morning.

What particular challenges do you regularly encounter?

The hardest part of my day is getting in on time after the school run! Getting two children to eat and get dressed in a reasonable amount of time is much more difficult than it should be!

What are some of the biggest challenges faces by your clients?

Navigating finances when starting a new business can be very daunting. As a small business owner you have to wear many hats and not all of them may fit! I enjoy helping clients take care of this aspect of their business so that they can focus on what they do best.

How are you able to use your skills to solve problems for them?

I like to research present and upcoming changes to legislation and filing requirements. It sounds really boring, however I find some joy in it.

What is your favourite part of the job?

Talking to clients. Getting to know their business and how I can help them. Every client has different needs, and offering tailored advice to each situation is always important.

What do you like most about working for The Accountancy Partnership?

Staff welfare. I’ve worked for several companies in several different industries, and none have come close to the care and attention that TAP have for their employees.

What skills do you find most useful to do your job?

Being quick on Excel really helps with my productivity and helps me get accounts out to our clients as quickly as possible. I also have an extensive background in customer service which has really helped when taking to new clients!

Where’s your favourite place to visit on days off?

Ogwen Valley. Lots of fantastic places to climb.

What’s your proudest achievement?

Eating 12 Weetabix in one sitting.

How would you colleagues describe you?

Hopefully as quite helpful. I enjoy helping others and offering advice when I can.

What are you reading/binge watching at the moment?

Currently reading The Wheel of Time.

Who do you admire and why?

Dwight from The Office, for his unwavering dedication to fire safety.

What question would you really like to answer, and what’s the answer?!

If you replace the handle on a broom, and then later replace the head, Is it the same broom?

The materials that make the broom are not the same as the object “Broom”, so yes, it’s the same broom!

Find out more about the services we offer by hitting the live chat button, or get an instant quote online. Interested in joining the team? Check out our recruitment page!

About The Author

Beth Woolley

I'm a versatile marketing professional with experience across a variety of disciplines, from creating, filming, and editing content, to negotiating with shy accountants to be in it! Learn more about Beth.

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